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The signs of low testosterone may be presented in subtle yet unhealthy ways. You may have already reached out to your primary care physician about weight gain, insomnia, sleep apnea, depression, and erectile dysfunction — all common symptoms of low testosterone. Dr. Sarat Sabharwal can offer diagnostic services and treatment management with hormone replacement therapies at our office Beautiful Orlando in Kissimmee, Fl.


Living with lower levels of testosterone can affect many aspects of your physical, mental, social, emotional, and sexual health.

Physical health
Have you noticed that you have trouble sleeping at night or get eight or more hours of sleep and still not feel rested? This is because low T levels can cause insomnia and fatigue. Feeling sluggish for no reason can be very distressing, especially when you are getting a healthy number of hours asleep. Have you recently gained some weight or find it really difficult to lose a few pounds, like you could in the past? Weight gain is one of the major symptoms visible for everyone to see. You may feel defeated at the gym because working out does not seem to help. Neither does a change your diet. Low T will increase your body fat and diminish your muscle mass.

Sexual health
Low T can take away your sexual vitality. You may have experienced some interruptions in your sex life, such as erectile dysfunction, weak erections, low libido, or no desire in sex.

Mental and emotional health
Depression and moodiness are often overlooked symptoms for low T. There may be days when it is hard to focus or concentrate. Your other compounding symptoms certainly will not improve your mood and intensify your condition.

Social health
Your low T symptoms may be keeping you isolated because you just don't feel like being around others anymore. This can only reinforce feelings of sadness and anxiety. Low T can influence all aspects of your life, including your relationships and how you interact with people.



We want you to be comfortable with your selected testosterone replacement therapy and be consistent in taking your medication. There are several options (with both pros and cons to each) for you to choose: topical gels or creams, intramuscular injections, implants, and inhalers. Testosterone replacement therapy does have some risks or side effects to watch out for and monitor with routine doctor visits and blood work.




When you select a topical testosterone therapy for low T, you will have the option to apply the medication directly to your skin (usually on the shoulders, upper arms, abdomen, or inner thighs). This is considered one of the easiest testosterone delivery methods (in comparison to implants or injectables). The drawback to topical gels and creams is that the medication can be imparted to your loved ones who come into skin-to-skin contact with the application area. The low T cream can also transfer through your clothes.





Rest assured, many men with low T have found that intramuscular injections of hormone replacement medications are the most effective and satisfactory method of delivery — if you can learn to tolerate needles and/or giving yourself an injection.





Pellet therapy or Testopel® (a subcutaneous testosterone pellet replacement therapy) can be implanted into the skin for several months for continuous dosage of testosterone. The pellets, which hold 75 mg of testosterone, have to be replenished every 3 – 4 months (based on your treatment plan), which means that there is no need for daily dosing.





For better balance in testicular health and testosterone production — HCG Injections of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) can prompt testosterone production within your testicles. These HCG injections can assist in maintaining the size of your testicles and help them function better.
To know which is best for you it is recommended to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Sarat Sabharwal at our office Beautiful Orlando in Kissimmee, Fl.





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