Treat yourself to a truly refreshing stay at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Orlando. An easy commuting distance from every point of interest in Orlando, you won’t have to worry about tedious travel to get where you want to go. While staying in, you’ll find yourself at home within a spacious multi-room suite that offers a fridge and microwave to provide you with the choice between dining in or out. Additionally, Embassy Suites offers complimentary breakfast, a fully-equipped fitness room, and a luxurious pool. With all the thought they’ve put into your stay, it may be difficult to leave. For more information on why our staff recommends Embassy Suites by Hilton Orlando, visit them at: http://embassysuites3.hilton.com/en/hotels/florida/embassy-suites-by-hilton-orlando-downtown-MCODTES/index.html.